Accessing the Personalize Portal
Use the Personalize Portal to configure the license groups you purchase through the MarketPlace website and perform other administrative tasks associated with the Personalize service. The portal contains the following pages and page elements:
The Personalize Portal is a separate website from the MarketPlace site. During the purchasing process, you are directed to the Personalize Portal automatically. Thereafter, you can access the portal directly to perform administrative tasks on your license group, upgrade a purchase plan, or purchase a new plan. You can access the Personalize Portal from the Personalize’s Follow-You Persona page in the MarketPlace site or use the following URL:
The Personalize Portal uses MarketPlace Single Sign-on (SSO). If you are not already logged in to the MarketPlace when accessing the Personalize Portal, you must login to the portal with your MarketPlace credentials.
Once you are logged into the Personalize Portal and have navigated to the Admin area, the page that appears first depends on the number of license groups you control. If you are administrator of a single license group, the Dashboard page for your license groups appears, containing links to other pages in the Personalize Portal. If you are administrator of multiple license groups, the Select a Group page appears where you can select the group you want to access.
Note: The Admin area of the Personalize Portal is available only for license group administrators.