Purchasing Process and First Steps
Once you satisfy the initial setup requirements, you are ready to select a Personalize license plan and configure it to suit you and your team’s needs. The process involves the following basic steps:
View your purchase options - Log in to the Personalize Portal using your MarketPlace credentials. On the Home page, click on the View Plans button to access the Plans Page.
Select a license plan to purchase - See the Selecting a License Plan section below for details.
Purchase a license plan - See the Purchasing a License Plan section below for details.
Acquire administrative privileges for the devices you want to use for Personalize - At each device, log into the App Manager using device administrator credentials. This step gives you admin privileges for the device, which is required to add the device to a license group when you reach step 6.
Install the Personalize app on your Personalize devices - At each device, log in to the App Manager and install the app.
Configure the license group created by your purchase - Return to the Personalize Portal and use the Admin area to configure the license group.
Selecting a License Plan
The Personalize license plan you choose determines the functions available to you on the Personalize Portal as well as the number of licenses you can allocate to team members. The following plans are available:
Note: When you select a license plan on the Plans page, you are transported to the MarketPlace site where you complete the process.
Purchasing a License Plan
To purchase a license plan, take the following steps:
Launch the MarketPlace website and log in.
Access the Market page and search for “personalize”. The Personalize product collection appears. Select the collection, as in the following illustration:
When you select the product collection, the products in the collection appear. Select the Personalize’s Follow-You Persona Service option to display information about the service, as in the following illustration.
On the Product page, you have the following purchase options:
Purchase - To purchase a Personalize license plan, contact your sales representative.
Free Trial - To start the 30-day free trial, click the Demo button. A confirmation screen appears and you can access the Personalize Portal to begin configuring your license group. The free trial gives you full access to Personalize’s Enterprise plan and requires the same setup. When your free trial expires, if you purchase a Personalize plan, you can transfer your demo data to your paid plan. Note that if a free trial has already been issued to the logged-on user, an error message appears instead of the confirmation message.
As the trial’s expiration date approaches, you will receive notifications containing the expiration date as well as purchase options for Personalize’s Follow-You Persona service.
When you complete the purchase, you are granted Admin privileges for the Personalize Portal. Before you access the portal to configure your license group, you must first complete the remaining steps of the purchasing process described at the beginning of this topic. Proceed to Step 4 - Acquire administrative privileges for the devices you want to use for Personalize in the purchasing process.
If Your License Expires
As your demo or term license expiration date approaches, and later if your license expires, Personalize sends a notification email to the address associated with the license. The notification includes the expiration date of the license and your options for purchasing a paid license for Personalize.
Once your license expires, your access to Personalize is restricted at both the MFP and the Personalize Portal:
At the MFP, you cannot access any of your Personalize UIs. When you log in to a device with the Personalize app installed, the default MFP UI appears instead of your Personalize UI. You can modify the MFP’s default UI, but the UI does not follow you to any other devices. You can access the Personalize app, including your Personalize custom background and specified language. However, an alert banner appears indicating your license has expired.
In the Personalize Portal, access is restricted for both users and admins. Users and admins can access only the Personalize Home and Settings pages. The Settings (User) page displays information on the user’s license group. The Settings (Admin) page displays information on the license group, including the expiration date of their license. Personalize personas cannot be viewed or edited, and the Admin area is unavailable, until the license is renewed or upgraded.
Note: To leave your license group, access the Settings (User) page.