Subscription Details Page
Use this page to view and/or update your Personalize Subscription license plan.
Note: The Subscription Details option on the Menu bar appears only for admins of a Personalize Subscription license plan and not for users in a Term license plan.
If you hover your pointer over the Subscription Details option, a drop-down menu appears providing access to the following options:
Modify Subscription Page
The following information displays for the current Subscription license plan:
- Current subscription - Your Personalize plan type displays, for example, Enterprise or Business.
- License count - The number of user licenses purchased for your license plan displays.
- In-use licenses - The number of user licenses currently in use in your license plan displays. If this number is less than the license count, additional licenses are available that can be assigned to users not currently in the license group.
- Billing frequency - The frequency at which you are billed for your Personalize license plan displays.
In the following illustration, the Modify Subscription page appears, showing the Enterprise plan as the current Personalize plan with a user license count of 45 and the user attempting to increase the user license count to 50.
Updating Your Subscription
You can upgrade your Personalize Subscription license plan and/or modify the user license capacity for the plan (in increments of five licenses) at any time. If your subscription lapses, you can purchase a new Personalize license plan (with a billing method of Subscription or Term) at any time.
Note: To downgrade or cancel your Subscription license plan, contact your local Personalize sales representative.
The following options are available:
- Subscription - Your current Personalize plan displays. To select a different plan, click on the drop-down arrow and select a plan from the list that appears.
- Number of licenses - The current number of user licenses in the license plan displays. To modify the number, click on the - or + buttons to decrease or increase the number, respectively. The number changes in increments of five. You can also click in the field and edit the number directly. The number you enter rounds off to the next highest multiple of five.
- CANCEL - This button activates once you modify the Subscription and/or Number of Licenses fields. To cancel your change, click this button.
- MODIFY SUBSCRIPTION - This button activates once you modify the Subscription and/or Number of Licenses fields. To update your license plan, click this button. The Confirm Subscription Modification window appears, as in the following illustration. To modify the license plan, click the Confirm button. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Subscription Information Page
This page indicates your current Personalize plan, and provides feature information on that plan. If you have upgrade options, information on the other Personalize plans also appears and you can compare the features of those plans with your current plan. To upgrade your Personalize plan, click on the UPGRADE NOW button to access the Modify Subscription page.
Note: To downgrade or cancel your Subscription license plan, contact your local Personalize sales representative.
The following illustration indicates the current Personalize plan is the Starter plan, with upgrade options to the Business and Enterprise plans.