Use this page to view and/or export reports on Personalize license group activity for a selected date range. For the current license group, the reports include information on users, devices, and device authentication counts. License group activity displays via a bar chart and a data table. Both the bar chart and the table have filtering options. See the illustration below:

In addition to the bar chart and data table, the Reports page includes the following:

  • License Usage - This field shows the number of licensed users in the group and the total number of licenses in the license plan.
  • EXPORT TO CSV - To download the current data configuration to a comma-separated-value (CSV) file, click this button.

Bar Chart

The bar chart provides a graphical representation of the current data configuration. The default configuration shows data for the current month, for all devices in the license group. To change the date range, use the date selection fields above and below the bar chart. To change the type of data that appears in the chart, use the data table.


  • If you hover the cursor over a bar in the chart, data displays for that Y-axis time.
  • In views that display months (Yearly and Custom), you can change the display to show a specific month by clicking on the bar for that month.

Selecting a Date Range

To modify the date range, you have the following options:

  • Date frequency - This option appears above the bar chart. To select the date frequency by which to display data in the chart, click the drop-down at this field. The following options are available:

    • Monthly - Shows data for each day in the selected month.

    • Yearly - Shows data for each month in the selected year.

    • Custom - Accesses the Custom Date Picker, where you can select beginning and ending dates for the days of data you want to appear in the report.

  • Date period - This field appears below the chart. It shows the selected period based on the selected date frequency. For example, if you set the date frequency to monthly, a month appears in this field. To change the date period, click one of the arrows next to the month name.

Selecting Data

Use the data table to choose whether to report on data by devices or users, and which of the devices/users to include. Once you configure the data output, you can then restrict the data that actually displays in the chart via the three check boxes (Licensed Devices, Users, and Authentication Events) that appear above the bar chart. Check the boxes next to the data types you want to include in the chart. Note that these checkboxes do not affect data exported to CSV.

Data Table

You can choose to populate the table either by device data or by user data, and which of the devices/users to include. These selections determine the data that appears in the report. The selection options appear above the table. The far-left column of the table contains check boxes. Only checked table rows appear in the chart. In addition, Popularity ribbons indicate the three most popular users/devices.

  • By Devices - To display data in the table and in the chart by device, select this option. The following information displays:

    • Devices - This column lists all devices in the license group. To the left of the column, check boxes appear. Check the boxes next to the devices whose data you want to include in the report.

    • Users - This column lists the number of users in the license group who have authenticated at least once at the associated device. If you click on a cell in this column, a secondary table appears below the bar chart showing a breakdown of the authentications made by each user at the associated device.

    • Authentication Count - This column shows the number of authentications made at the associated device by users in the license group.

  • By Users - To display data in the table and in the chart by user, select this option. The following information displays:

    • Users - This column lists all users in the license group. To the left of the column, check boxes appear. Check the boxes next to the users whose data you want to include in the report.

    • Devices - This column lists the number of devices in the license group at which the associated user has authenticated at least once. If you click on a cell in this column, a secondary table appears below the bar chart showing a breakdown of the authentications made by the user at each device in the license group.

    • Authentication Count - This column shows the number of authentications made by each user in the license group at devices in the license group.

Popularity Ribbons

On the right side of the Data and Secondary Data tables, popularity ribbons indicate the three devices/users in the license group with the most authentications.

  1. Gold - Most authentications
  2. Silver - Second-most authentications
  3. Bronze - Third-most authentications

Secondary Data Table

This table appears when you select a device/user in the primary table next to the bar chart. The secondary table shows a breakdown of license group activity for the selected device/user. The table displays data only for the selected date range. Popularity ribbons indicate the three most popular users/devices.

The following illustration shows device authentication activity for users at the 550i device, restricted to a custom date range of February 1 through February 5, 2021.

The table shows the following information. If you click on a column header, you can reverse the sort order.

  • Filter - If the table contains many rows, you can use this field to restrict the table to items whose name matches a string you specify. For example, if you enter “alice” in the Filter field, the table reconfigures to display only items whose name contains that string, such as “alice” or “dallasalice”.

  • Name - The name of the user or device.

  • Authentication Count - For devices, this column lists the number of authentications for each user in the license group. For users, this column shows the number of authentications at each device in the license group. If a user/device does not appear in the table, no authentications occurred in the selected date range.

  • Most Active - This column lists each user/devices’ rank, by authentication. The first number is the individual rank and the second number is the total number of unique authentication counts for the user/device. In the above illustration, even though the table shows 10 users, the total number of unique authentication counts is 7 because the Authentication Count column contains 3 ties (that is, only 7 unique counts).

    This column also displays the Popularity ribbons for the user/device.